Pages on This Site
This is a list of current pages on this site. More are being added continually.
- Home Page
- Integration Center Open Business Plan
- Integration Center Curriculum
- What is Health?
- Implementation Projects
- Resources (this page)
If you write an article online about Integration Centers, please contact this site to have it linked here.
External Resources
Additional external resources that appear in various places on this site are collected here for convenience:
Natural Design
- Introduction to Permaculture – an in-depth introduction to permaculture design. Also simply search the web for more terse information.
- Holism – the perspective of looking at complex biological systems as discrete organisms.
- Bio-Veda Architecture – a system of home design incorporating many diverse self-sustaining, nature-balancing, inexpensive techniques.
- ArcGIS map – sample map for evaluating land parcels.
- Open-source governance – democratizing governance through sophisticated collaboration systems.
- Vilfredo – a sample tool for open source governance, suitable to village-sized populations.
- Dunbar’s Number – evaluation of the maximum size of coherent human populations.
- Behavioral modernity – anthropology concept of when humans started employing abstract thinking and developing art.
- Recent human evolution – details on human evolution and ice ages.
- Fundamental human needs – as defined by Chilean economist Manfred Max-Neef.
- Bank-debt currency model – explanation of how taking loans creates currency and increases scarcity.
- Eight forms of capital – permaculture concept explaining non-financial forms of capital.
- Land use for agriculture – breakdown of human impact on land.
- The global inequality boomerang – how China’s modernization has created a temporary decline in global economic inequality; while otherwise economic inequality is increasing.
Psychology & Health
- Internal Family Systems – highly effective model for addressing traumas and unhealthy behavioral structures.
- The 8 C’s of IFS – a model used in Internal Family Systems
- Brainspotting – highly effective somatic therapy for resolving traumas.
- MDMA-assisted therapy – experimental but extremely promising method for resolving traumas.
- Mind-body health – introduction to the linkage between mental state and many physical illnesses, by Dr. Gabor Maté.
- Rolfing FAQs – introduction to Rolfing Structural Integration, a body-reorganization healing practice.
Psychedelic Integration
- MAPS Integration Workbook – information on the psychedelic integration process.
- Integration coaching – information on the process of integration coaching.