About the Integration Center Project

This site provides a free and open business plan to enable anyone to build an Integration Center. Read more about the Integration Center model.

A sitemap of all pages on the site is on the Resources page.


For now, the best way to contact is to write to .


Many people have contributed to the concepts being laid out here. Everything is being kept as anonymous as possible simply because this plan is not anyone’s property, and because it is not about ego nor advancement of personal reputation. These ideas stand or fall on their own merits.


The plan and the language of this site are somewhat adapted for people in wealthier countries, because the plan originated in the United States. However, this plan is adaptable so that it can be implemented by anyone, anywhere.

In Progress

Launched in October 2024, this site is and will always be a work in progress. Currently the originating author is still populating this site with the ever-evolving business plan and many various component and related details.

At the same time, a small group is enacting one instance of the open business plan. As work progresses and more is learned, that information will be incorporated into the site as well.

If others choose to model this plan and launch their own projects, their progress can be tracked here as well.


This site is deployed on WordPress with the WP Statistics plugin, which does not collect any personal data or personally identifiable information, does not use cookies, and respects website visitors’ privacy. However, like practically all web servers, the hosting service does log raw client-server transaction data, including IP address and browser-supplied data.

No Warranty

Nothing on this site is warranted to be true or accurate. Some parts contain facts but may not contain references; other parts may be considered opinion. If you have doubts, research the information yourself, or contact the site administrator.


Unless otherwise specifically noted, all content on this site is shared under the Creative Commons Atribution-ShareAlike license, or CC-BY-SA. Attribution can be given to “IntegrationCenter.org” and/or to “the Integration Center model”.

The term “Integration Center” has been in continuous use by this site since October, 2024. Others may not subsequently claim exclusive use of that term as a trademark.